Planet Ponzi. Is Stakeholder Value the Solution?

Planet Ponzi.  Is Stakeholder Value the Solution?
And seriously, do you expect the likes of Coca Cola, Amazon, Walmart, Google, Facebook and all the global banks to be trusted with reducing consumption to save the planet? Davos 2020.  The elite gathering of CEO's and bankers agreed in principle that if they don't do something soon to alleviate the destruction to society and the environment, t...
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1544 Hits

Roger Penrose on Quantum Consciousness

Quantum Consciousness  The world is awash with new-age and woo woo books claiming to connect quantum mechanics and consciousness. If this brand of magic is insufficient for you, listen to Roger Penrose, recent Nobel Prize winning physicist (for his work on black holes) discuss consciousness from a fascinating perspective as he pursues the conn...
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1445 Hits

Fixing the Triple Bottom Line's Fatal Flaw

Fixing the Triple Bottom Line's Fatal Flaw
It requires no great Malthusian intellect to recognise the impossibility of maintaining economic growth at the direct expense of the planet.  by John Raddall THE FATAL FLAW IN THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE CONCEPT Twenty five years ago John Elkington suggested the Triple Bottom Line should incorporate not just profitability, but people and the planet...
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1348 Hits
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