What's your Organisational Energy? High or Low?

Organisational energy - your capacity to think smarter and act faster than competitors is real, measurable and can be generated using the latest scientific tools and methods.

John Raddall

Organisational Energy - The 'magic fuel' that drives performance.  Measure and generate. 

Richard Feynman, the famous and Nobel Prize winning scientist, once said that the entire universe, including us, runs on energy.  But that no one fully understands energy.

Now that's an interesting paradox.

The most important building block upon which all organisational theory and practice should be built - is simply ignored.  By ignoring this most essential element, global organisational theory and practice has come to resemble nothing but a flat earth society.  Fun but not exactly useful!

However there is a light at the end of the energy tunnel.  The impact of work done through the use of energy can be measured.  And new levels of energy can be generated. 

The Energy Model - All performance is a direct function of system energy

Our Energy Model, which we have used successfully with thousands of leaders, teams and organisations over several decades, illustrates the following.

  1. Every organisation evolves an equilibrium energy level.  This is its point of homeostasis.  In practice the system operates like a thermostat.
  2. The algorithm behind this equilibrium energy level is a uniquely evolved DNA of rules and meta-rules.  To change the energy level, you must change the structure of this DNA.  There is no other way.
  3. Leadership is the primary source and driver of all system energy.  You have two choices to change your organisational energy.  Change your leaders, or change the behaviour and actions of your leaders.  Rest assured.  There is zero third option.

To emphasise.  All organisational performance is a direct function of system energy.  There is no other source.  If Einstein were alive today he would give us another equally important equation.  Perhaps SP = (f) SE.  Where System Performance is a function of System Energy.

Generating new system energy 

Our method for generating new system energy has been honed in the boiler room of organisational reality.  We fully understand that repeatability is the essence of validity.  We share our practical and proven methods openly with leaders and encourage organisations to test and validate our tools and methods in their own unique environments.

Our specialised approach always focuses on using scientific methods to change the way leaders think, act and behave.

We know from experience that, for example, a ten percent increase in leadership energy will always lead to a similar increase in organisational energy and organisational performance.

Testing your current organisational energy level 

Our Organisational Energy Barometer has been tested and validated extensively over the years.  It has evolved into a fine and credible measure of an organisation's potential and kinetic energy, as well as an initial tool for customising strategies to generate new levels of system energy.

To obtain a 'feel' for your current energy levels, try answering the following key questions.  Use a one to ten scale - easy to convert to a percentage.  You may want to engage a few of your colleagues in the exercise.

These questions have been chosen for their high validity in predicting overall organisational energy.

  • Our leaders are trustworthy.  They are the type of people others want to follow.
  • Our leaders are smart, professional and superb at getting results.
  • I work in an environment where everyone is respected.  We all have a voice.
  • My environment is highly innovative.  We are always looking for new and better ways of doing things every day.
  • I enjoy my work as I am able to use my full potential.
  • We deliver the best customer service and experience.
  • In our market we deliver a better product/service than our competitors.

Add up the scores, divide by seven and convert to a percentage.  Use the following as a guide.

Less than 60%.  Probably a good idea to find another company to work for.

60% to 70%.  Generating new system energy is possible.  But you need really smart, creative and high-energy leaders to drive the change.

70% to 80%.  You are above the market median.  You already have the foundation for generating new energy and performance in quick time.  (Weeks and months.)

Above 80%.  You are in the top 5%.  Congratulations.  Keep evolving and growth and profits will follow automatically.

An additional tip 

If you can accept that system energy drives all performance, then make energy a part of your language, conversations and culture.  Make the invisible visible.  This will give you and energy the power it deserves.

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