By John Raddall on Saturday, 04 June 2022
Category: Leadership

The Three Laws of Leadership Wisdom. An Ancient Manifesto Revealed.

"Creativity is our only weapon against entropy."

Dean Cavanach

The ancient story of two warriors.  Energy and Entropy

The history of our universe has been played out as an ancient dance by two opposing warriors.  Energy and Entropy.  Life and death.

Energy on the one hand is powered by evolution and the evolutionary algorithm.  This generates life, beauty, intelligence, and everything that is possible.  And this includes you, your family, your organisation and all your dreams.

This is the power of creativity.

Entropy on the other hand is the principle destroyer of all things.  It consumes energy in all its forms.  It manifests in relationships that lose their early magic; in sports teams that lose their winning streaks; in organisations that decline and lose their competitive edge; in nations that lose their power and dominance.

Where the magic lies 

​The true power of creative energy lies in its marriage with the universal evolutionary algorithm that drives the infinite genius of the universe.  Wherever there is repetition, variation and selection, evolution surely follows.  It is axiomatic. 

And it is the perfect antidote to entropy.

The Three Laws of Organisational Energy

​The three laws of all organisational success are based firmly on the above.  Ignore them at your peril.  These laws are ancient and universal.

Law One 

​Every organisation loses energy, every second of every day, due to the universal law of entropy.  Without intervention, entropy will destroy an organisation. 

Law Two 

​To overcome the ruthless inevitability of entropy, organisational survival is dependent on management's ability to inject new energy equal to or greater than the energy lost to entropy.  

Law Three 

​The Evolutionary Algorithm is the universal tool to generate new energy in organisations.  Without practical knowledge of its application managers will not have the power to reverse entropy.

Wisdom and the Three Laws 

​A global project identified ​wisdom ​as the highest ranking and most important terminal or end state value for leaders.

In this case true wisdom will only be achieved when leaders fully understand the three laws above and the insights, actions and behaviours needed to manage the eternal dance of both energy and entropy in their organisations.

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