By John Raddall on Monday, 21 December 2020
Category: Leadership

Future Performance Indicators

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If you are a professional athlete you know that your survival and performance is wholly dependent on your continual honing and evolution of your mental and physical skills.

Every aspect of your fitness and future potential energy is measured and managed together with the aid of the finest sports scientists and the latest technology. These analytics are essential to measuring current performance and, most importantly, predicting future performance.

The current pandemic has magnified the real elephant in the organisational room. The virtual total absence of reliable and scientific future performance indicators.

Decades of research has shown us that there are two primary future performance indicators, both of which measure system energy - leadership energy and organisational energy - and not the warm and fuzzy kind.

Nikola Tesla recognised this and spoke of the kinetic velocity of human energy, the primary source of all human intelligence, innovation and activity.

At Quanta we measure Tesla's kinetic velocity and provide scientific solutions to increase it to drive performance and profitability. 

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