By John Raddall on Sunday, 27 February 2022
Category: Leadership

Holographic Assessments Drive Intelligence

"​What we measure affects what we do; and if our measurements are flawed, decisions may be distorted."

​Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen and Jean-Paul Fitoussi,  Mismeasuring Our Lives (2010)


The general failure of organisational assessments remains a global challenge.

There are many causes.  However the primary problem is a total misunderstanding of the dynamic and integrated nature of feedback and information.

It is common in large corporates to have climate surveys managed by HR, once every year or two.  Followed by no action.  

It is also common to do sporadic customer satisfaction surveys by the marketing department.  Again followed by little or no action.

Many companies also consume resources to complete 360 assessments.  Generally managed by HR.  With no impact whatsoever.

It may be fair to say that in many organisations, the use of assessments is no more effective than the blind leading the deaf.


​Our holographic solution is based on the following principles and logic.

Feedback is knowledge.  Knowledge is the foundation for building intelligence and individual capability.

New knowledge therefore is the fuel that drives performance. 

And assessment is the key generator of this new knowledge.

Let's look at a professional tennis player as an example.  Rising to the top of the pile requires a professional coach who provides continuous feedback and continuous practical advice on how to train, develop and perform.

Thus the tennis player receives multiple and continuous assessments.

It would be ludicrous for a professional sportsman to get feedback once a year.  Why then is it acceptable in organisations?

Our experience and research has shown us the following systemic realities.


​Our holographic solution takes into account and integrates three core assessments.

Any one assessment on its own is largely meaningless.  But together they create a far more powerful picture.  Making the invisible, visible.

Combining new knowledge, experience and truth.  

The very things you need for effective training, coaching and development.

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