By John Raddall on Sunday, 24 May 2020
Category: Leadership

Is your CEO smart enough? Or is it time for someone new in the cockpit.

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by The Right Stuff, John Raddall

Leaders create the climate or context for all organisational performance. Period.

Your future therefore, post Covid19, is largely dependent on whether your leaders are made of the right stuff for this current moment in history.

In a post Covid19 era a new type of high energy, courageous and evolutionary leader will need to emerge, like a phoenix from the ashes. In traditional organisational language this is a new animal. It's one with the right stuff.

Below is a simple test to guide an exercise you may wish to complete in the workplace. It is time for full disclosure. There is no room for silly politics. Do the exercise in groups with leaders. Look at the seven indicators of the wrong stuff and seven indicators of the right stuff.

Arrive at a score for your team, division or organisation and see where you stack up on the graph below. Use a 1 to 10 scale.

If your score is 5 or below, you are in serious trouble. 6 or 7 you are still in the game. Just. If you score 8 or more your probability of coming through the crisis smelling of roses is high indeed.


Here are some signs that your leaders are made of the 'wrong stuff'.

And here are signs they are made of the 'right stuff.'

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