Urgent need for a leadership transmogrification

In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

Carl Sagan

Corrupt.  Scientifically Illiterate.  Incompetent. 

Let's look at the bigger picture of planetary management and the environmental crisis.

We have 195 countries headed up by largely male, scientifically and environmentally illiterate, often corrupt, so-called 'leaders.'

Most will either be dead or out of a job within a decade. And the rest of us think this ragtail bunch is somehow qualified to manage a planet?

Not in a thousand years.

We are living in a time of genuine global crisis. We urgently need a global leadership transmogrification.

Can women stand up and fill the breach?

For the sake of both the planet and our specie, let's hope so! 

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